Sep 27Liked by Denyse Allen

I have found that when I use a longish sentence filled with detail and nuance it is best to follow up with a three or four word power summary. Sum it up!

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Sep 27Liked by Denyse Allen

This was perfect. My father has been writing fishing articles for decades. He was my proof reader when I was in college. He always cut the extra out.

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Use simple language and a clear message. It's always a good idea — unless you're specifically trying to confuse someone. Well done, @Denyse Allen. I'll be coming back to this reminder for all of my posts. Thank you for the reminder that virtually all of our work is read (or skimmed) on a screen today. Spot on.

Ask yourself, "How would Denyse write it?"

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Excellent advice for writing anything - on the screen or on paper. Family histories can be fascinating, and it is understandable that a historian wants to showcase all their findings. However, inundating the reader with too much detail can obscure the interesting story (as well as bore the reader). As you edit ask yourself "does this add meaning to the story?" if not, remove it.

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Exactly! And if it’s online you can break it into many pieces. We don’t get charged by post!

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Sep 27Liked by Denyse Allen

Good advice as always, Denyse! One thing I am annoyed by is that Substack photo captions seem to be too small to read. Any way around this?

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Thank you! Are you looking on a mobile device or computer? There's nothing I can change in settings it seems. I made those images with Grok, the Twitter/X AI image generator. It seems to have a better memory and able to build off of previous requests.

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Sep 26Liked by Denyse Allen

Great info! Love hearing your voice too!!

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Sep 26Liked by Denyse Allen

Great info! Love hearing your voice too!!

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Good info, thanks!

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Glad to hear it resonated.

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Many thanks for the 6 tips on Ways to Format My Family History. As a very new Substack writer I found this to be very valuable and will put your suggestions into practice.

I do hope you will check out my upcoming post called "Summer of '73" and would love to hear your comments.

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